phase 1 - design
Where Acceleration Challenges are selected and the stakeholders are identified
- The launching of a Cohort and of the proposal submission process – Government Accelerators announce that they are starting to receive proposals from entities who wish to enroll with them.
- The definition of Acceleration Challenges – after reviewing the proposals they receive, the Government Accelerators define Acceleration Challenges with the Leadership Team.

Phase 2 – Acceleration
Where Acceleration Teams are nominated to address Acceleration Challenges. During this phase, these teams set S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time- bound) to be achieved in 100 days or less
- The Launch event – after Acceleration Challenges are defined, the Acceleration Teams are selected and the 100 days countdown starts. During this event, the Acceleration Teams set their goals for the 100 days and design a work plan to achieve these goals.
- The Midpoint Review event – 50 days after the countdown starts, Acceleration Teams reflect on their progress to date and revise their work plans to ensure they are able to achieve their goals.

Phase 3 - Sustainability
where the Acceleration Teams and the Government Accelerators prepare for the sustainability and scalability of the results achieved during the 100 days
- The Sustainability and Scalability Review event – at the end of the 100 days, Acceleration Teams conclude their experience at the Government Accelerators and recommend actions to sustain and scale the results they achieved.